Just how important is customer service for your insurance agency? Vital, say experts. All those critical touchpoints add up: How a client is treated on the phone. The promptness with which they receive an answer. The time spent on hold. The completeness of the explanation. How your team made them feel. Improving your agency customer… Read More
How to help your work comp clients prepare for an audit
It’s audit time for expiring workers’ compensation policies, whether it be a physical or telephone audit. Our goal is to prepare our mutual clients for the auditor’s visit or call. Here are workers’ compensation audit preparation tips for you to provide your clients on how to avoid paying additional premium. Properly estimate annual payrolls First,… Read More
Help your clients curb on-the-job accidents with a workplace safety incentive program
Workplace safety programs are doing their job well – of that, there’s no doubt. Over the past decade, as workplace safety awareness has increased, nonfatal injuries have consistently de-creased. Yet some 2.9 million workplace injuries still occur every year, according to OSHA. These injuries not only result in lost labor, but also a loss to… Read More
5 ways to help clients evaluate and improve their return-to-work program
Workers’ compensation insurance and claims experts agree: Return-to-work (RTW) programs can help employees get back on the job after an occupational injury or illness. That makes them a cost-saving and effective workforce management strategy. But the key is creating and managing a truly effective return-to-work program. “Merely having a policy or occasionally being open to… Read More